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Spring Garden Show abloom with ideas

(Port Elizabeth) – Green-fingered Bay residents whose gardens have suffered under the current drought conditions will find fresh inspiration when the third annual Spring Garden Show comes to Baywest Mall this week.

GOOD NEWS: Baywest Mall’s central court was transformed into a green oasis for the third annual Spring Garden Show, which took place this weekend. Avid gardeners were inspired by the five garden designs – including Zen, fynbos, formal, patio and water-wise gardens – created by Sherwood Garden Centre in association with participating mall tenants. Here Baywest Mall marketing manager Lindsay Steele (left) looks on as Sherwood Garden Centre’s Nadine Piercy (centre) and Nicole Palmer (right) put the finishing touches to the display. 

From Thursday until Sunday, the mall’s Central Court will be transformed into an oasis of outdoor artistry, with five garden displays created by Sherwood Garden Centre in association with participating mall tenants.

According to Baywest Mall marketing manager Lindsay Steele, visitors can look forward to a variety of garden designs, including a patio and formal garden as well as drought-sensitive options such as Zen, fynbos and water-wise gardens.

“It’s always a pleasure for us to welcome the new season officially and to bring the beauty of outdoors indoors,” said Steele.

“Our aim is to promote a love of gardening, and to show people that it is still possible to have a beautiful and creative garden while being mindful of water restrictions.”

She said this year’s show would be a bit different from the previous two editions for a further reason.

“This year, we have also introduced patio and garden furniture. The focus is on gardening and outdoor living as a whole, not just the plants,” said Steele.

She said the garden displays would be a work in progress throughout the weekend, with the nursery team moving from garden to garden and building on each landscaped design.

“This provides the public with an ideal opportunity to see how a garden is created from scratch.”

Mall tenants House & Home, Cielo and @home would supply the outdoor and patio furniture ideas that bring the human, lived-in element to outdoor spaces, said Steele.

The Spring Garden Show will be open from 9am daily and admission is free.



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