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Huge drive to offset PE’s carbon emissions

PE is set to offset its carbon dioxide emissions substantially thanks to an initiative to plant hundreds of trees throughout the city.

In celebration of Mandela Day recently, Konica Minolta South Africa and Food & Trees for Africa (FTFA), in collaboration with PE’s urban renewal body the Mandela Bay Development Agency (MBDA), undertook to plant a total of 601 trees across the city, 101 of which will be planted at the Donkin Reserve in the heart of the city.

According to the Citizen, over 46,000 bamboo and tree-equivalent spekboom plants have been planted nationwide since the start of the initiative in 2008.

The Donkin Reserve, which overlooks the city, is home to Nelson Mandela Bay Tourism, historic monuments such as the Stone Pyramid and the Lighthouse, as well as fascinating installation art celebrating democratic South Africa.

Other trees will be planted at schools and townships offsetting an estimated 221 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e).

FTFA Certified Permaculture Trainer, Mike Pierce said the trees were indigenous shade trees which were wind resistant.

“We do try to select indigenous trees that are well suited to the area that are not going to increase water stress. Low maintenance is what we’re going for. With the water issues we do our best to get trees that are water hardy,” Pierce said.

Municipality acting director of parks and cemeteries, Gregory Kops, said the city had the manpower to maintain the influx of greenery.

“When it comes to tree planting, trees must be planted in the correct place. The tree should reach its maximum lifespan. However, if a tree is not planted in the correct place one will have to remove the tree and all the years of nurturing and investment will be lost,” Kops said.

Read more on The Citizen


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