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Children enjoy ride of a lifetime at Gold Reef City Theme Park

October saw 200 children from disadvantaged backgrounds being treated to a fun ‘roller coaster day’ at the popular amusement park in Johannesburg.

Gold Reef City Theme Park, in association with the Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation, sponsored an unforgettable outing for children from the Mamlangeni Feeding Scheme and Maano Community Development Projects recently.

The children’s excitement knew no bounds as not a single one of the group of 200 had ever had the pleasure of a visit to the Gold Reef City Theme Park.

One of the children said, “I didn’t sleep last night because I was so excited, and I was ready and waiting for the bus at 6 o’clock this morning!”

This year marked the 13th year that Gold Reef City Theme Park has hosted children with the support of the Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation.

Food concessionaires also came to the party by arranging welcoming snacks, as well as a lunch for the large group of children and their caregivers.

We give a big thumbs up to the Nashua Children’s Charity Foundation, Gold Reef City and Golden Nugget, who treated these youngsters to a day of thrills and spills, delicious food and endless fun.

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