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Falkon on the rise: Student starts transport service for other students

Food sciences student Victor Uwah became a local hero among University of the Free State students when he collaborated with local meter taxis to start an affordable and accessible shuttle service.

“I started a company called Falkon for students by students because I realised there are many student needs that are met by external companies who do not really understand the needs of these students.”

Victor Uwah told the Bloemfontein Courant

Uwah’s desire to start this business arose from the need for affordable transportation for students. They also needed a safe and convenient way to run errands and shop for necessities.

A typical day of using the Falkon service entails students paying as little as R30 to be transported around selected stores around Bloemfontein or even as far as Bloemfontein Central at the CBD. The students get an allocated time of two hours to do their shopping and are taken back home with no additional charges.

As with any new business, Falkon experienced some challenges with obtaining funding for the business as well as having to get approval from the local taxi association to operate this service. Fortunately, it all turned out well as the set price for the service was not going to interfere with meter taxi profits.

Uwah continues to optimise the Falkon initiative for instance by organising for tills in the various stores to be specifically allocated for the student service. This means students can avoid the long, month-end grocery store queues and maximise their two-hour shopping experience.

He has also created a Facebook group where students who are interested in making use of Falkon can keep up with current and possibly new services, and where they can give feedback on their experiences.

With this affordable and convenient service at their fingertips, it’s only a matter of time before everyone in Bloem becomes a ‘Falkie’!


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