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Take a virtual tour of The Nelson Mandela Capture Site

The Nelson Mandela Capture Site is offering a virtual tour of its visitor centre and sculpture while it remains closed under coronavirus lockdown measures.

With museums and art galleries around the world having to close their doors indefinitely, it might feel like there is no way to explore the world. But now, thanks to technology, the possibilities are endless.

The Nelson Mandela Capture Site, situated outside Howick in KwaZulu-Natal, has been working hard to create a virtual experience that visitors can access from the comfort and safety of their homes.

The impressive technology uses drone footage to allow virtual visitors to experience the site’s immersive exhibition. The programme gives you access to a dazzling display of historical artefacts, rare video and audio footage and a 360-degree experience of the world-renowned steel sculpture dedicated to this icon of Africa.

Nelson Mandela Capture Site exhibition from The Capture Site on Vimeo.

The virtual visits were launched on March 27 – the day South Africa’s national lockdown began. Since it is a non-profit organisation, the Capture Site acts as an economic driver in the community, helping to create and sustain jobs, and promoting tourism in the province.

This is the place where Nelson Mandela was arrested on August 5 1962. He then went on to spend 27 years of his life in prison on Robben Island.

In a typical month, the Capture Site employs more than 35 staff, welcomes about 500 visitors a day, hosts numerous school groups and education programmes, trains 25 young adults for the hospitality and tourism industry, and supports local businesses through construction and upgrade projects.

As with many other non-profit organisations, it must rely on public support until it is safe to reopen again. To support this initiative, the public can pre-buy tickets, make donations and even purchase memberships.

To experience the virtual tour, visit the website

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